Dog or Puppy

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What Are The Best Dog & Puppy Breeds for Kids?

What are the best dogs for kids? It all depends on your household’s activity level, family energy, and living situation. But, in general, you can’t go wrong with a dog that has a gentle demeanor, friendly attitude, trainable nature, and an ability to keep up with your family.

Those characteristics can cover a wide variety of breeds, however. So how do you choose the right four-legged fit? Consider the following factors as you research family dog breeds, and keep in mind that the best family dogs are truly unique to you and your needs.


What Are The Best Dog & Puppy Breeds for Apartments?

No yard? Small space? No problem. If you live in an apartment and are looking to adopt a dog, some breeds and certain dog characteristics may do well in cozy quarters.

Which are the best indoor dogs? Every pet is an individual, and dogs both large and small can do quite well in apartments or in a small house. Those that tend to thrive, however, are usually those that lean to the calm and quiet side.

Doberman Pinscher Dogs & Puppies

The Doberman is compactly built, muscular and powerful. They combine elegance and strength, speed and endurance. Their carriage is proud and alert, and their gait is free and vigorous. The Doberman coat is short, smooth, and hard, showing off the exceptionally clean-cut lines of this athletic breed.


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Dandie Dinmont Terrier Dogs & Puppies

Unlike the prototypical terrier, the Dandie is made up of a series of curves, ending in a scimitar-shaped tail of moderate length. The Dandie is almost twice as long as tall, constructed to go to ground after tough quarry. Its hind legs are definitely longer than its front legs. Its gait is free and easy. It has a distinctive coat made up of about two-thirds hardish (not wiry) hair and one-third soft hair, about 2 inches in length. The head is covered with soft, silky hair, lending to the appearance of a large head.

Dalmatian Dogs & Puppies

The Dalmatian is a square-proportioned, athletic dog of good substance and sturdy bone. They are built for efficiency at the trot and great endurance, and their movement should be steady and effortless. The expression is alert and intelligent; the coat short and sleek.


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Dachshund Dogs & Puppies

The Dachshund has an energetic, pleasant expression. Each of the three coat varieties has special attributes: the smooth is short and shining, imparting some protection against the elements; the long hair is sleek, sometimes slightly wavy, providing somewhat more protection; the wire has tight, thick, and hard hair with a finer undercoat, providing maximal protection.


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Curly-Coated Retriever Dogs & Puppies

The Curly Coated Retriever may be the most graceful and elegant of the retrievers, appearing longer legged and more agile than the others. They are an active land retriever and a hardy water retriever, able to withstand the rigors of repeated retrieves into heavy thickets or cold waters. Their distinctive coat provides protection from cold and briars and is made up of a dense mass of tight curls.


Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tulear is a hardy, sturdy yet small dog. Although bred as a companion, it once survived on its own. Their hallmarks are a bright personality and profuse, white, cottony coat. The approximately 4 inch coat has the texture of soft cotton. It is dense and abundant and stands off the body. It’s believed its texture allows air to circulate within it, insulating the dog from heat and cold. The white coloration is another breed hallmark. However, puppies may be born with spots, mostly around the head and ears, which fade with age.


Collie Dogs & Puppies

The Collie is an active, lithe, strong dog that combines strength, speed, and grace. Their gait suggests effortless speed as well as the ability to change speed and direction instantly, as required in herding dogs. The coat can be of two types, both with a soft, abundant undercoat. The outer coat of the Smooth variety is short, hard, and flat; that of the Rough variety is straight, harsh, abundant, and long, particularly on the mane and ruff.

Clumber Spaniel Dogs & Puppies

The Clumber Spaniel is a long, low dog, rectangular in shape and with massive bone. This build, in combination with a deep chest, heavy brow, and powerful hindquarters, once enabled the dog to move through thick underbrush when hunting. The coat is straight, flat, soft, and dense, imparting resistance to weather. The white color helped the hunter locate the dog.


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